Faith & Inspiration

Friday Wrap Up

Friday Wrap Up

What a week! Is it just me or is time going by faster and faster? I was warned that as my kids get older, time would only move along quicker. They are right. Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was depressed over the Seahawks game??…

Goodbye Mother

Goodbye Mother

As many of you know, my mother passed away this past week. I wasn’t sure whether I was going to share this or not, but after getting several requests from friends and family, I figured I would.  Earlier this summer, when we thought we were…

The Sand Dollar

Boys and I in Westport WA thanks to Peepa (gramps) and we are going fishing! Got here a little early so decided to play in the water. Big boys played and I combed the beach. Always loved the sand dollar, probably because my mom loved…

My Family in the 70’s – Meet the Fam

My mom is going through a lot right now. In fact, she needs a miracle. I believe in miracles. Let me introduce you to her, circa 1979 (ish). Meet my mom, dad, sister and a mini version of Irish Mike. Thank you for all of…

What Have you Done? – A Letter to Paula Deen

Monday, June 24, 2013 Dear Paula, What have you done? What do should we do now? You have been beloved for so many years by so many people! People all over this great country have fallen in love with your laugh, your personality, and your…

Why Cook – Part 2

Why Cook – Part 2

Lately, I have become a huge fan of Michael Pollan and Michael Ruhlman.  Michael Pollan is a writer of such books as The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals and this spring released his latest: Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation (which is…

The War against Ronald

The War against Ronald

I am getting sick of everyone hating on Ronald.  It is bad enough that my NetFlix subscription is now overloaded with food documentaries, some good but most bad and almost every one of them, without fail, has mentioned the Golden Arches and their contribution to…

Happy Father’s Day – 2013

Happy Father’s Day – 2013

I suppose I should consider starting a whole blog that is devoted to fatherhood, especially these days.  The war on and for our kids is nothing short of an epidemic.  We are raising wimps, are ditching our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents’ ways of raising…

Irish Mike’s Top 5 Movies – Oscar Edition

Irish Mike’s Top 5 Movies – Oscar Edition

Irish Mike’s Top 5 Movies – Oscar Edition One of the great conversation starters and friendly debates one can have with a friend, family member or even a brand new acquaintance has always been…”What are your top 5/10 favorite movies?” I have always struggled with…

There will be Peace in the Valley

There will be Peace in the Valley

My mother used to, and frankly still is a big fan of Elvis Presley. She loved his hip gyrating Hound Dog and his other rock tunes, but you know what she really likes? Elvis singing gospel.  The ONE song I have in my iTunes library…