Podcast Episode #2 – Youth Homelessness on the Streets of Seattle interview with Rob Stewart

Podcast Episode #2 – Youth Homelessness on the Streets of Seattle interview with Rob Stewart

Show Highlights

Episode 2 of the podcast is an interview with Executive Director of New Horizons, Rob Stewart, where we discuss the youth homeless ministry in downtown Seattle he helps lead.

We cover the following:

  1. Tell me a little bit of the story on how you got to New Horizons. Home, schooling, other experience that brought you to Seattle.
  2. Tell me the primary purpose of NH. Has it evolved since you got here? If so, how?
  3. What are some of the top issues facing young people who have left the foster system today?
  4. How has the pandemic affected you, the work, and the young people?
  5. Tell me about the bridge between faith and non faith based charity work. What works? What does NOT work?
  6. Where does the money come from? Where does it go? Do you have any specific stories you can share?
  7. What else do we need to know about NH, the city of Seattle, and these issues these young people are facing?

Resources/People/Articles Mentioned in Podcast

Good to Great in Social Sectors book

Author Nick Hornby

Rob’s Fave podcasts: Radio Lab, Serial

For more information, to get involved, or donate, go to www.nhmin.org.

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