We Started a Coffee Roaster!

We Started a Coffee Roaster!

I think it has been a long time coming honestly. Wife and I both have been in and out of coffee for years. Mostly on the retail side and Dominica had her own espresso cart at the Issaquah Farmer’s market (BM – before me).  We both put in time at the Green Machine, me back in the 90s when it was cool, unlike Jackie who works there now when it isn’t as cool – lolz).  I was in sales and even worked with Nate to sell some coffee when he was in school. We went through other brand iterations where we contracted with other roasters and had a touch of traction but it just wasn’t quite what we were looking for.

What we wanted all along I think is to have our own show. Soup to nuts, er, raw green to fully roasted. Earth to bag to people’s homes.  Well we did it.

We were able to acquire a roasting operation out of one of the non profits we worked with for years, New Horizons and their Street Bean coffee shop and job training program. We have the space on the farm and felt that now was the time.

Our micro roaster is born.

Our goal is to ditch the irony and the hipster citrus notes and go for the “straight down the middle” medium-dark coffee that we remember from the 90s. Not as dark as the siren’s song, but dark enough that we don’t have to wear a beanie to wear it.

If you want to join us on this adventure, head over to www.blackclovercountry.com and send us a note, follow us and of course order some coffee!  If you put in the code irishmike, we will give you the friends and family discount (20% off).

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