Everyday “Mustardy” Vinaigrette

Everyday “Mustardy” Vinaigrette

Everyone needs a salad dressing that they can make in a pinch and will satisfy many tastes, kids included.

We try and eat a salad every night but TBH we usually end up with one 3-4 times per week. Like I mentioned before, buying a dressing is incredibly convenient but sometimes what is in the bottle can be a little dicey.  If you want to pay a premium, you certainly can buy bottled dressings that are certified organic, all-natural, hip, etc. but when I say premium, you can expect to pay $4 or more per bottle!

How about a mustardy vinaigrette that you can make in an old jam jar?  Most of the ingredients are nearby and it can be put together in under 5 minutes, usually less and can go with virtually any greens you have around. These days, the mixed green containers found at your local grocer seem to popular but maybe throw in some romaine or some arugula to liven things up. The peppery taste of arugula stands up nicely to “mustardy.”

Everyday Mustardy Vinaigrette

1 tablespoon dijon mustard
4 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon sugar or a squeeze of honey
squeeze of lemon
1/2 teaspoon salt and freshly ground pepper
Chopped herbs (chives, parsley, dill, thyme, whatever you’ve got – or nothing at all – great as is)
1/2 cup good olive oil


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