Mexican Chorizo

Mexican Chorizo

Reposting this one because we recently did a batch with one of our friends and doubled it so we could have 5, 1 pound bags of Chorizo ready in the freezer at any time! Super easy!

A plus for the homemade “bulk” sausage crowd is this easy-to-make sausage that will do its part to fill up your freezer for a few months.

Unlike its Spanish cousin, Mexican chorizo is not dried or cured. You can certainly stuff this sausage into casings and make links, but if you don’t have that equipment or are not yet ready for that technique, making it bulk without casings is just fine.

Mexican chorizo is great in breakfast scrambles, and with its distinct smoky and spicy flavor, a little bit can add some nice complexity to soups and all kinds of other dishes.  Super delicious in tacos too.

I adapted this from Michael Ruhlman’s Charcuterie book and have found it very easy to make every quarter or so. Find your ground pork at $2.99-3.99 per pound typically and always pick up at least 5 pounds.

Mexican Chorizo

5 lbs ground pork
3 tbsp kosher salt
2 tbsp ancho chile powder
1 tbsp hot paprika
1 tbsp cayenne
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp fresh oregano or 1 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp ground cumin
3 tbsp tequila, chilled
3 tbsp red wine vinegar, chilled

Place all ingredients into a large bowl or your mixer and beat or hand “knead” for a couple minutes until everything is incorporated.

Either fill your casings or separate into 1 lb increments and place in freezer (clearly marked is probably a good idea) until ready to eat.

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